Committing To The Community

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The Kiwanis Club of Hopkinsville presented Aaron McNeil House, Inc. with $1,200 to support the Backpack Program, which helps ensure kids in need have food to go home with them over the weekend and on long holiday breaks. This money will help provide food for 10 kids for one year. The program currently serves 100 kids and has the potential to serve even more because the need is there.#KidsNeedKiwanis #KiwanisNeedsYou



The United in Praise event held in February was amazing and because of everyone’s support and the support of the Kiwanis, Hopkinsville Rotary Club, and Pioneer’s Inc., we presented Alpha Pregnancy Care CenterAaron McNeil House, Inc., and Sanctuary, Inc. with checks for over $800. Plan to join us next February as we support three non-profits in Hopkinsville!